MacTrix Just Emerged
MacTrx female after emergence via escape hole in the egg. Note the eggs remain black after wasp emergence.
Lifecycles of MacTrix & Mac Nutborer
MacTrix on a match head
MNB and spotting bugs are major pests of macadamia
Lychees are also a host of macadamia nutborer
MacTrix are despatch as pupa on cards
Parasitised MNB eggs
The eggs are in the grooves and protected for transport
Placing the cards
MacTrix cards are stapled under a leaf
Rain protection
In wet areas, cards can be stapled inside a plastic cup. But usually protection not required.
MacTrix escape hole in nutborer egg.
Fresh nutborer egg
Nuts with eggs can be collected
And examined for parasitism
FSB adult on left, FSB adult on right
FSB nymph left, BSB right.
Anastatus inserting FSB egg
Anastatus parasitising FSB egg
FSB damage in avocado
The telltale sign in FSB attack
Under skin FSB damage in avocado
Typical FSB and BSB damage in avocado
Yield loss is caused by FSB not just damage at harvest
BSB adult in papaya
BSB damage in papaya
Causes major damage in papaya.
BSB damage to mango shoots
BSB damaged mango fruitlets
Cocoa fruitlet damage by BSB
BSB on cocoa
Bug damage in custard apple
FSB damage stems in mango and avocado
Anastatus parasitises spined citrus bug eggs
Healthy papaya
Round plants are particularly susceptible to BSB attack
BSB Spotting in bananas
Surprise, surprise!
BSB on acerola cherry
Many tropical fruits are attacked
Parasitised FSB eggs are hard to find
FSB egg sentinel cards with Anastatus wasps
Some protection for Anastatus cards
In very wet are covers can be used
Anastatus release card
Note the wasps escape holes in the eggs
Spiders are important predator of bugs
FSB caught in spider web
Spider lassoing a BSB nymph
Green lacewing adult
Green lacewing eggs
Typically laid in groups on fine stalks
green lacewing larva feeding on aphid
Packs of adult green lacewings
Ready for despatch
Ready to go
Adult green lacewings will usually lay some eggs in transit.
Trissolcus egg parasitoid of GVB eggs
Trichopoda parasitoid fly of GVB
Trichopoda fly egg on shoulder of GVB
Many species collected from a drop sheet in macadamias
Cover crop in macadamias
Improve soils and provide resources for beneficial insects and pollinators